Below is a range of lawn techniques and clinical turf advice, to address and manage a range of issues. This advice is presented in the best possible and most accurate manner by Lawn Professional Scott Kempster. The intention is to assist and indeed also promote our high quality products.
We are in the business of providing the best possible Lawn Solutions and as such, can categorically assure all existing and potential new clients, of the outstanding results. The Lawn Rules range has been proven over a number of years to perform and come, at great prices as well.
Q……What herbicides can we use on Buffalo Grass to control clover?
A……You can apply Bow & Arrow Herbicide on Buffalo Grass.
Q …..What herbicide can you use on Buffalo Grass to control all broadleaf weeds?
A…. You can apply Bow & Arrow Herbicide on Buffalo Grass
Q….What herbicides can we use on Kikuyu Grass to control clover?
A……You can apply Bow & Arrow herbicide on Kikuyu Grass.
Q ….What herbicide can you use on Kikuyu Grass to control all broadleaf weeds?
A…. You can apply Bow & Arrow herbicide on Kikuyu Grass.
Q…..What herbicide can you use on Couch Grass to control winter grass?
A…. You can apply Coliseum herbicide on Couch Grass to control winter grass and ryegrass plus more cool season grasses.
Q…..What herbicide can you use on Couch Grass to prevent winter grass, broadleaf weeds and summer grasses?
A…. You can apply Spartan pre emergent herbicide on Couch Grass to prevent winter grass and broadleaf weeds plus more cool season grasses
Q….What herbicide can you use on Buffalo Grass to prevent winter grass, broadleaf weeds and summer grasses?
A…. You can apply Spartan pre emergent herbicide on Buffalo Grass to prevent winter grass and broadleaf weeds plus summer grasses.
Q….What herbicide can you use on Kikuyu Grass to prevent winter grass, broadleaf weeds and summer grasses?
A…. You can apply Spartan pre emergent herbicide on Kikuyu Grass to prevent winter grass and broadleaf weeds plus summer grasses.
Q….What herbicide can you use on cool season grasses like Ryegrass and Fescues to prevent winter grass, broadleaf weeds and summer grasses?
A…. You can apply Spartan pre emergent herbicide on Ryegrass, Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue to prevent winter grass and broadleaf weeds plus summer grasses.
Q….Does Spartan pre emergent herbicides need to be washed in to prevent winter grass, broadleaf weeds and summer grasses?
A…. You must irrigate in Spartan pre emergent herbicide to prevent winter grass and broadleaf weeds plus summer grasses.
Q….When is the best time to apply an insecticide to prevent insect damage to my lawn?
A….You need to apply Columbus insecticide from Sept - Nov and again in Jan - Feb to prevent damage from insects.
Q….Does Columbus insecticide need to be washed in to control insects like Black Beetle?
A…. You must irrigate in Columbus insecticide to reach the insects in the soil and below the thatch level of your grass.
Q….What is the best insecticide to control Argentine stem weevil?
A….Monarch insecticide will control Argentine Stem Weevil and other insects.
Q….When is the best time to fertilise your lawn?
A….The best time to fertilise your lawn is when it is actively growing from Spring to Autumn.
Q…How do I keep my dormant Couch Grass green in winter?
A….Apply Lawn Rules Green Envy and Humic Iron every 4 weeks.
Q….How often should I fertilise my lawn?
A….You should apply liquid fertiliser and Lawn Rules soil amelioration products every 4-6 weeks excluding winter, from Spring to Autumn.
Q. What are those dead circles on my lawn?
A…The dead circles on your lawn is a turf disease and require treatment via our fungicide AZOXY 95.
Q..When should we apply a fungicide for Spring Dead Spot?
A... You must apply Azoxy 95 fungicide in March to prevent disease appearing in the following spring period.