Couch Lawns

Get the best of both worlds

We all know that couch lawns will flourish when left alone without any competition in the turf sward, however it is not always practical to have it this way.

Take a look at the typical couch lawns in the southern states of Australia. Recent years has seen the strong focus on conversion to warm season grasses (couchgrass) and understandably so due to the prolonged drought. Now due to the ever-changing weather cycles experienced around the country wetter winters are returning and water is again becoming not so scarce.

The recent commercial practice of oversowing warm season grass with ryegrass in autumn only to remove it in spring may not have to continue. Lawn enthusiasts can if desired manage the growth rate of their ryegrass to allow the successful transition of couch in the spring/summer period whilst maintaining a healthy percentage of ryegrass without jeopardizing the long-term health of your couch lawns cover. This is important in the period between April -September when low temperatures provide little opportunity to stay green and recover from wear during the coldest months of the year.

How do we do this

Reduce mowing height of the ryegrass in spring when temperatures are on the increase to assist light penetration to the couch sward. Recommended height 8-12mm.
*Monthly Chemical application to reduce ryegrass growth without eradicating it, is becoming a viable method for Lawn lovers via Lawn Rules herbicide Coliseum.
Whilst retarding Ryegrass growth with monthly chemical application of Coliseum starting in September until April, you are able to promote couch lawns growth with high rates of fertilizer and soil ameloriation products as recommended by Lawn Rules. The ryegrass will not react to the fertilizer during this retardation period provided by Coliseum Herbicicde. Resulting in excellent couch cover whilst maintaining your ryegrass percentage.

* Lawn Rules recommends that you consult Scott Kempster for advice and recommendation for the chemical use of Coliseum to get the best of both worlds.


Provides a more consistent turf cover all year round and avoids the loss of color in your couch lawns during the cold winter months.
Enables the Lawn Enthusiast to oversow with ryegrass when required and only do it once not every 12 months.
Provides improved wear tolerance through high traffic periods particularly in winter.

Most importantly during the coolest period of the year and whilst your couch lawn is dormant your lawn will be green whilst keeping the couch coverage underneath.

When the monthly applications of the Coliseum herbicide are stopped in Autumn the Ryegrass will resurface through the couch grass, and appear as if it had been overseeded with Ryegrass

This methodology ensures the best of both worlds. Couch lawn stability and drought tolerance provided by the couchgrass during summer, and winter activity with the ryegrass during the winter period thus producing the perfect Couch lawn 12 months of the year without having to overseed your couch lawn every year.